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GHS students receive around $100,000 in scholarships during annual ceremony

Fri, 05/01/2020 - 1:45 pm

Since 1972, the Graham High School Scholarship Awards Ceremony has presented students with scholarships and, despite school being out for the remainder of the year due to COVID-19, over 100 scholarships from 70 local benefactors, clubs and agencies were given out to the 2020 graduating class.

The program was hosted online on the Graham ISD Facebook page and recognized all of the students who received awards for this year, with many walking away with multiple scholarship awards. Graham High School Principal Joe Gordy thanked those who contributed to the students of Graham and their continuing education.

“The total amount of scholarship money the graduating class of 2020 has been awarded this evening is around $100,000,” Gordy said. “Many 2020 graduates have received institutional and other scholarship awards that total much more. So, we congratulate all of you and wish you well in your future endeavors. We have given out over 100 local scholarships provided by 70 different local benefactors, clubs and agencies. We cannot thank you enough for being so supportive financially to our student’s post secondary education. In closing, we look forward to the time that our students may meet and personally thank the benefactors who recognized them.”

For the full story with the list of scholarship awards, see the Saturday, May 2 edition of The Graham Leader.