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Library’s Leader digitization project coming online

Thu, 06/15/2017 - 2:00 pm
    This is page 1 of the Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1886 edition of The Graham Leader, the sixth issue of the paper’s 11th year in business. The Leader is the oldest business in Young County.

The first steps towards the digitization of 136 rolls of microfilmed archives of The Graham Leader have been taken by the Library of Graham through the University of North Texas’ program, The Portal to Texas History.

The Portal to Texas History is an online resource for rare, historical and primary source materials from or about Texas that was created by and is maintained by the University of North Texas Libraries. The Portal has hundreds of content partners across the state who provide a growing collection of resources online.

The library was given a grant in March 2016 by the Tocker Foundation of Austin, in order to achieve the digitalization of the papers. The foundation was established in 1964 to implement the philanthropic interest Phillip and Olive Tocker, and in 1992 the foundation board decided to focus its grants to smaller rural libraries serving a population of 12,000 or less.

The process was scheduled to take a year for UNT, but has been delayed.

As of now, Sherrie Gibson, director for the Library of Graham, said the program has uploaded copies of the Leader from 1886 and 1910-1912 and will gradually add to that selection along with adding more, free of charge. 

To access the Graham Leader archives search ‘Graham Leader’ on the The Portal to Texas History website or access the Library of Graham’s portal on the website here.

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