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City moving forward with Texas Street waterline replacement

The Graham City Council last week approved several items to move forward with the Texas Street waterline replacement project. The council approved a bid from Bowles Construction Company, along with a budget increase of $85,000 for the project.

The Texas Street project is one of a series for maintenance and improvement of the city water distribution infrastructure. The project will be a 50/50 split between the city and the Texas Community Block Grant awarded to the city.

City accepts, matches amount from TPWD for park improvements

The Graham City Council approved a Recreation Grant Agreement between the city and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Thursday in which the city will accept and match $450,950 for planned park improvements at Fireman’s Park and the planned new park on Salt Creek.

The city of Graham received $1.3 million from the Brazos River Authority for park improvement projects in June 2018. The funding was received for the Salt Creek park project to turn the floodplain along Salt Creek into a park for the city with a waiver of liability to the BRA.

City considering Downtown Development District

The Graham City Council met last week and discussed initiating a project to define a Downtown Development District for the city. The council requested a committee of stakeholders made up of community businesses and local organizations to present more information to the council at a future meeting.

City Manager Eric Garretty said the first thing the city has to determine is what are boundaries of what is considered the downtown area.

Public hearings Tuesday for proposed solar project

Graham ISD will be holding two public hearings Tuesday morning regarding the Red Top solar reinvestment zone and the application from Catalyst Energy, Inc.

The public hearings will be held at a special board meeting at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 27 at the GISD Administration Office at 400 Third St. Following the hearings, the board will consider multiple action items related to the project.

Pianist Jerrol Higgins closes out 13 years with FUMC, discovers his love of piano along the way

First United Methodist Church of Graham saw the departure of 13-year pianist Jerrol Higgins Sunday, but for Higgins, his time at the church served as an opportunity to discover why his passion for piano was important.

Higgins started playing piano when he was 5-year-old and in fifth grade his parents were recommended to send him to another teacher due to his talent. That summer his parents arranged him to audition with a pianist with the Houston Symphony.